Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Work Station Wednesday : August 10

This week I got an absolutle adorable pattern for a 1/2 sleeve striped swater. I was able to find enough yarn in my stash to get started on it. It is Red, White, and Blue. Sadly I made a major mistake last night and had to unravel about 3 hours worth of work, so I am not as far along as I wanted to be. I will post photos later in the week as well as a copy of the pattern.

Have a Great Week!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Favorite-Deal-Friday : Week 2

This week Ryan and I spent some time in Central Oregon with Ben and Michelle. Monday, Michelle and I went Thrift store hopping and I came across a beautiful tray.

The Tray laying flat.

The Tray with the legs out.

Mostly this tray will serve as a contained area and hard space for me to work on crafts in the living room while spending some time with my husband, but it can also be used for refreshments when we have company or even as part of a floral arrangment to decorate either the coffee table or dinning table. 

While this tray was exactly what I have been looking for the best part of it is the price... Only $2.50 for this lovely item!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Workstation Wednesday : Week1

This week I am working on several projects to get ready for some events that I will be vending at, and to get a supply together for a boutique that will soon be selling my handcrafted items.

Here is a look at my current workstation and the aray of colors I am working with. The light teal is being turned into a pair of leg warmers and wristlets. The gold-speckled brown will be a lovely fall hat. The light pumpkin orange will also be a lovely fall hat and a pair of wristlets. The dark teal will soon be a scarf and a pair of leg warmers. And the light leaf greean will be a hat a scarf. 

I am also stoll trying to get the baby quilt completed for Jennifer and plan to work hard on it this next week.

Thanks and tune in Friday for my Favorite deal(s) of the week.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Make-Something-Monday: Week 3

      This weeks project is 4 crochet Fall or Winter hats.

Recently I found a boutique store in Molalla who is interested in carrying my designs so I have been hard at work making things for her to carry in her shop. As soon as I deliver the first load to the store I will let you all know so you can go and check out my items and the rest that she carries at her store.

Thanks and Blessings!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Make-Something-Monday (posted Tuesday): Week 2

Sorry for the delay on this posting, I got a little side tracked yesterday and forgot to take a photo of what I made and post it.

Yesterday I made 3 new flower pins. After some trial and error, I got 3 that I really like.
The Black and White flowers are Dahlia's and the Red White and Blue flower is more like a Carnation. On the back I have attached both a broach pin and a hair clip for versatility.

Thanks and see ya tomorrow! :-)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Favorite-Deal-Friday : Week 1

I want to apologize for the absence of Workstation-Wednesday. My Grandma, Mom, and Sister took a last minute 3 day trip to the coast and I was without a computer. Tune in next week for week 1 of Workstation-Wednesday.

Moving on to Favorite-Deal-Friday.

While at the coast with the ladies of my family we did a lot of shopping. We stopped in several little antique malls and shops.

In one of the shops I found a half gallon old blue Ball jar. Normally these jars are pretty spendy being that they are depression glass. This jar was only $4.99! Knowing that it would look perfect holding a bouquet of flowers either in my own home or at a catering/vending event I bought it. While I was purchasing that jar, my Grandma bought a quart jar that matched it and gave it to me. Now I have a matching set. Below is a photo of my 2 new jars.

Thanks for tuning in today, look for more posts next week.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Make-Something Monday: Week 1 - Using your Cricut (or other die cut machine) to Make Applique's for a Baby Quilt

Rencently I came up with a plan to make a baby quilt for my expecting sister-in-law. I really wanted to do an applique quilt in the theme of Baby African Animals (her nursery theme). Below are a list of the steps that I took to start the quilt. With a few photos of what I have done so far.
Step 1: Select shapes on Cricut Cartridge.
Step 2: Cut Shapes out as large as possible on the Cricut.
Step 3: Visit Kinko's or a copy shop to enlarge the shapes to the size desired for the quilt.
Step 4: Cut Shapes out to use as a pattern.
Step 5: Select Fabrics and iron Heat 'n Bond to the back of each color.
Step 6: Using the pattern pieces cut shapes out of fabric.
Step 7: Iron pieces together to form shapes.
Step 8: Iron shapes to a piece of base fabric.
Step 9: Using either a sewing machine or needle and thread, stitch around each shape.
Step 10: Put quilt together with batting, and back.
Step 11: Stitch around the edge of the quilt to bind it.
Step 12: Tie the quilt with embroidery floss or yarn every 6-8 inches.

The Giraffe is all cut out I just need to get the mouth and eyes figured out and iron everything down. He stands almost 4 feet tall (to give you an idea of how large the animals are). All of the pattern pieces started out at 11.5 inches.

Giraffe head up close.

The Elephant is ready for a mouth and eyes and then I can iron everything down on it as well.

The "Crocidator" as my nephew Nicholas calls this one is done and ready to be added to the quilt base.

The Monkey needs the pink for the inside of his ears, and black for his eyes then he is all ready to be ironed together.

The Hippo is complete except for her eyes, they need to be ironed down and then she can join the Crocidator on the quilt base.

Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions. :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Time is Mine Now

Due to my recent layoff from my position at The Statesman Journal, I now have the time necessary to devote to keeping my Blog up to date. Today I am deep cleaning my house in preparation for weekend company but Monday will be the start to posts 3 times a week.
  • Make-Something-Monday - Tutorial on a different craft item each week.
  • Workstation Wednesday - Update on whichever project is taking up my workstation each week.
  • Favorite-Deal-Friday - A recap of my weekly couponing and the best deals I have found for the current ad cycle.
As fun and interesting crafts or fabulous deals come about I will update at other times of the week as well. Look for my blog on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for sure.

Thanks and God Bless!